
Rexplore is able to visualize different topic trends: 1) publication trends, 2) author trends and 3) migration trends. The first two are the number of publications or authors associated with a semantically enriched topic on a timeline. The latter is defined as the number of estimated migrations between two topics and is computed by analyzing the shifting in authors’ interest [...]


  1. Visualized information include publication trends, author trends and migration trends
  2. publication trends is the number of publications associated with a semantically enriched topic on a timeline
  3. author trends is the number of authors associated with a semantically enriched topic on a timeline
  4. migration trends is the number of estimated migrations between two topics computed by analyzing the shifting in authors' interest



@prefix rdf: <> . @prefix : <> . @prefix rdfs: <> . @prefix foaf: <> . @prefix dbpedia: <> . @prefix dn: <> . @prefix xsd: <> . @prefix void: <> . @prefix skos: <> . <> a foaf:Document ; rdfs:comment "0) Visualized information include publication trends, author trends and migration trends 1) publication trends is the number of publications associated with a semantically enriched topic on a timeline 2) author trends is the number of authors associated with a semantically enriched topic on a timeline 3) migration trends is the number of estimated migrations between two topics computed by analyzing the shifting in authors' interest" ; rdfs:label "Rexplore is able to visualize different topic trends: 1) publication trends, 2) author trends and 3) migration trends. The first two are the number of publications or authors associated with a semantically enriched topic on a timeline. The latter is defined as the number of estimated migrations between two topics and is computed by analyzing the shifting in authors’ interest [...]" . :authorTrends dn:isStatisticOf [ dn:hasSection [ dn:describes :aTopic, :authors, :time ] ; dn:isPortionOf :publicationTags ] . :authors dn:isDescribedBy :knowledgeBase . :migrationTrends dn:isInterpretationOf [ dn:hasSection [ dn:describes :aTopic, :time, :topics ] ; dn:isPortionOf :publicationTags ] . :publicationTags dn:isPortionOf :knowledgeBase . :publicationTrends dn:isStatisticOf [ dn:hasSection [ dn:describes :aTopic, :publications, :time ] ; dn:isPortionOf :publicationTags ] . :publications dn:isDescribedBy :publicationTags . :time dn:isDescribedBy :knowledgeBase . :topicTrends dn:hasPart :authorTrends, :migrationTrends, :publicationTrends . :topics dn:hasPortion :aTopic ; dn:isDescribedBy :knowledgeBase .